Are There Alternatives to CPAP?
Sleep apnea treatment without CPAP
If you are having difficulty adjusting to regular CPAP (continuous positive airways pressure) Therapy, you can investigate one of the alternative options here. All of our alternatives to CPAP can be helpful to people with less severe* symptoms. Each product is clinically proven, but please check their suitability for your sleep disorder.
Intus healthcare advice:
Note: Everyone may have apnoea episodes during the night, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea or require any therapy.
Understanding Sleep Apnoea Indicators
*The severity of your symptoms can open up your options to alternatives to CPAP therapy, because your snoring may not affect your sleep, but you may want to find a remedy.
Intus Healthcare is here to help with a complete selection of options and advice.
One of the critical indicators that we use in our sleep test report is the AHI, there are other indicators but to illustrate a simple idea of your potential issue I’m going to explain the AHI, which stands for the Apnea-Hypopnea Index.
The AHI is the number of apnoeas or hypopneas recorded during the study per hour of sleep; and generally expressed as the number of events per hour.
For example:
- None: AHI number under 5 per hour.
- Mild: AHI number between 5 to 15 per hour.
- Moderate: AHI number between 15 to 30 per hour.
- Severe: AHI number greater than 30 per hour.

Mandibular advancement device (M.A.D)
Mandibular repositioning appliance for snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea.
A mandibular repositioning appliance is a dental appliance, similar to a gum shield, which is worn in your mouth while you sleep. It is also known as a mandibular advancement splint, mandibular advancement device, oral appliance or dental device. Wearing the device holds the airway open whilst you are sleeping, so that breathing becomes easier and oxygen levels in the blood are normalised. The appliance should also control your snoring.
Below are a selection of mandibular devices, including positional therapy and day time sleep therapy.
Oniris M.A.D
Clinically Proven Mandibular Advancement Device
ONIRIS – delivering the benefits of a custom-made oral appliance without the price tag
ONIRIS is the leading off-the-shelf mandibular device for snoring and Sleep Apnoea, clinically proven to be as effective as custom-made oral appliances. The unique design provides an impression equivalent to laboratory-produced mouthpieces while allowing millimetre-precise adjustment and freedom to talk and drink naturally.
The ONIRIS device is the only self-adjustable anti-snoring device whose efficacy has been assessed and proven, in hospitals and clinics by sleep and ENT specialists, which also offers freedom of movement and a millimetre-precise adjustment. Each pack contains two sizes, allowing you to try both options and choose the most comfortable for you.
The device can be configured precisely to the wearer’s requirements. The lower jaw can be moved forward in 1mm increments, from 0mm up to 15mm. This allows more scope to tailor the comfort and level of therapy provided than you would typically find in an off-the-shelf device.
Oniris is supported by a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not benefitting from wearing your Oniris each night after a month of use, you can return it to us for a refund. Oniris is already helping over 200,000 people reduce their snoring and Sleep Apnoea, and we are confident it is the right mandibular device for you, too.
Somnofit MAD
A less invasive option for treating snoring & mild OSA
The Somnofit Mandibular Advancement Device is a proven anti-snoring mandibular advancement device that offers an alternative to CPAP therapy for mild OSA sufferers. The Somnofit Mandibular is a proven treatment for snoring and can be useful for OSA. It works by moving the lower jaw forward and keeping it there while you sleep. By doing so, it opens up the throat
to allow for greater airflow, reducing the chance of the obstructions that lead to snoring and apnoea.
Many clinical studies have shown that this method of treating snoring can be tremendously successful and has also succeeded to alleviate mild obstructive sleep apnoea.
The Somnofit itself consists of two oral mouldings; one for the upper jaw and one for the lower. They are heated in water to soften the moulding material (thermoforming) and then bitten into creating an exact fitting for your teeth. It is as simple as that to get the custom fit you need for a comfortable and effective splint.
The two mouldings are connected by a supple strap to keep them aligned as they need to be, ensuring that the lower jaw cannot be pulled downwards by gravity, and will instead stay positioned forwards for optimal airflow. Within a few minutes of the adjustment, you have a personalised Somnofit, ready for you to use and reduce your snoring.
Six such straps in varying lengths come supplied with the kit so you can gently move the lower jaw forward, to find the best and most comfortable range of advancement. By gently increasing this forward repositioning over several days or weeks, you can ease your jaw’s muscles into this new position.
Who can benefit from using a Somnofit?
The Somnofit is suitable for:
- Snoring
- Mild sleep apnoea (sleep study and ongoing medical supervision required)
- Mild-to-moderate sleep apnoea patients on the move, travelling, camping, boating, holidaying etc. who prefer a temporary alternative to their usual CPAP therapy (professional medical consultation required)
- Bruxism (grinding teeth), migraines due to jaw tensions
Somnofit is NOT suitable for people who:
- Wear full or partial dentures
- Have mandibular (lower jaw) pain
- Have loose teeth or advanced periodontal disease
- Have upper or lower jaws with fewer than ten teeth
- Suffer from severe or central sleep apnoea
- Are under 18 years old
Who Makes It?
The Somnofit MAD is engineered and manufactured in Switzerland by an established healthcare company called Oscimed SA. In 2008 they were awarded the ISO 13485:2003 certificate for their outstanding quality management systems for the development, manufacturing and sale of medical devices and other healthcare products. Oscimed puts the utmost care into delivering quality products that conform to the latest medical standards.
Mandibular Advancement Device
Is Mandibular Advancement for you? Use Somnolis to find out!
As the entry-level version of the Somnofit MAD, this Somnolis Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAD) is the most affordable way to try this method of oral appliance therapy to reduce snoring. You fold the two parts together and put it in your mouth when you go to sleep.
The lower part pushes the lower jaw (mandible) forward just slightly, creating more space in the back of the throat for uninterrupted breathing. At the same time, it tenses the tissue in the back of the throat, making them less floppy and therefore less prone to vibrations, reducing the dreaded sound of snoring.
Try it now by lying on your back, then push your lower jaw forward a bit and feel how you can breathe more easily.
The Somnolis is ideal for taking with you when visiting friends or family, or when travelling abroad, avoiding the embarrassment of your snoring, keeping everyone awake.
Please note that Somnolis is not as a permanent solution for snoring and certainly not for sleep apnoea.
If you suspect sleep apnoea (breathing lapses), please book a sleep study or consult your doctor. For simple snoring, the Somnolis MAD can be the perfect introduction to treatment with a mouth splint.
Please note: This product is designed to be a “proof of concept” device. The intention is for it to used to find out if Mandibular Advancement is an effective method of treating your snoring or Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, as a short-term option for periods such as a weekend away. It is not intended to be a long-term solution. If effective, it is then recommended to move onto a longer-term option such as the Somnofit.
Alternative Therapy for Snoring and Apnoea
Somnibel Positional Therapy provides a simple, comfortable solution for positional snoring and sleep apnoea.
Around 1 in 4 people are positional snorers; meaning they only snore while sleeping on their back. Half of all the sleep apnoea patients are also positional based, meaning they can sleep normally on their side.
Somnibel is a tiny device worn on the forehead. It vibrates when you’re facing upwards, gently encouraging you to sleep on your side.
Positional Therapy is a clinically-proven alternative to CPAP therapy, with studies showing it can obtain similar results in patients with position-dependent sleep apnoea.
Somnibel Introductory Video
For snoring or Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
The Somnibel can be purchased to treat snoring or Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.
If you are purchasing Somnibel to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnoea as an alternative to your current prescribed treatment, then please discuss positional Therapy with your consultant, and ensure it is a suitable option for you.
Please Note: All orders are fulfilled on the understanding that this treatment has been approved for your use. If you are purchasing Somnibel for snoring, then we would recommend seeking confirmation of your suitability.
eXciteOSA Daytime Sleep Apnoea Therapy
eXciteOSA®- The world’s first clinically proven daytime therapy for mild sleep apnoea.
Target the root cause – not the symptoms
Sleep apnoea and snoring is a problem for many people whose tongue muscles relax during sleep, causing partial airway collapse. eXciteOSA® is the world’s first therapy to target the root cause of this problem by improving the muscle tone of the tongue. eXciteOSA is a convenient daytime therapy for noticeable night-time results
eXciteOSA® is the world’s first daytime therapy proven to improve tongue muscle tone and endurance, known to be the root cause of sleep apnoea and snoring. It uses safe electrical currents to stimulate and improve muscles functions in the mouth and tongue; effectively giving them a “workout”.
After using for 20 minutes per day for six weeks, the tongue muscle no longer blocks the airway at night, allowing for a restful night’s sleep – with no CPAP or mouthguard required.
Once the initial six week period is complete, you simply use your eXciteOSA twice a week for 20 minutes during the day to keep your tongue muscles toned.
The eXciteOSA device will deliver small electric currents through the mouthpiece to your tongue, this will stimulate the tongue muscle and improve its tone. The improved tone of the tongue muscle will help in keeping the breathing passage open during your sleep and reduce the vibration of the throat region.
The eXciteOSA® can be used at any time during the day, but it is recommended to be used before you go to sleep at night.
The mouthpiece is made from flexible silicone which should sit on your tongue comfortably. If you get any discomfort, reposition the mouthpiece into a comfortable position. Like any other object when placed in the mouth, you might experience a gag reflex or pooling of saliva in your mouth initially.
Provent Sleep Therapy
A CPAP Alternative that has been discontinued
Provent Therapy is a simple, non-invasive treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). The Provent Nasal Device uses a valve design that attaches over the nostrils and secured in place with hypoallergenic adhesive. The valve opens and closes, redirecting air through small holes to create resistance when breathing out. Because Provent Therapy is a small, single-use, disposable device, it’s also discreet and very convenient.
During inhalation, the valve opens, allowing the user to breathe in freely. When exhaling, the valve closes, and air passing through the nose is directed through two small air channels. This increases the pressure in the airway (called EPAP or expiratory positive airway pressure), maintains pressure and helps to keep the airway open until the start of the next inhalation.
Provent is primarily intended for those with Mild and Moderate OSA, who have tried CPAP and are finding it challenging to maintain compliance (i.e. use regularly). In terms of the effectiveness of the treatment, CPAP remains the “gold standard” – but if a patient is unable to use it every night, then Provent is available as an alternative treatment option.
While CPAP increases the pressure on both inhalation and exhalation; Provent Therapy increases the pressure on exhalation only. CPAP increases pressure in the airway using forced air, while Provent Therapy uses the patient’s breathing to create pressure during exhalation. Because the air pressure generated through Provent is not as strong as CPAP can be, it is only suitable for Mild and Moderate Sleep Apnoea. It simply cannot create enough pressure for Severe OSA, for which CPAP remains the only proven treatment option.
Provent is also useful for short-term use while travelling, thanks to its small, simple design. Each night’s set is individually pouched. There is no need for electricity or equipment, and the device can be discarded after single-use.