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Last updated on March 2nd, 2023 at 01:56 pm
This is a heading (H1)
Morbi id dapibus odio. Mauris at tortor et sapien placerat dignissim. Praesent vel sodales ligula. Fusce bibendum dui vel magna ullamcorper, id vehicula tellus facilisis. Etiam eget tellus dolor. Phasellus vel hendrerit ligula, ut posuere neque. Sed cursus diam eget ipsum rhoncus, sed bibendum turpis euismod. In ac feugiat ipsum, vel elementum libero.
This is a heading (H2)
Sed ullamcorper elit at erat porta, et luctus odio sodales. Fusce bibendum dui vel magna ullamcorper, id vehicula tellus facilisis. Etiam eget tellus dolor. Phasellus vel hendrerit ligula, ut posuere neque. Sed cursus diam eget ipsum rhoncus, sed bibendum turpis euismod. In ac feugiat ipsum, vel elementum libero.
This is a heading (H3)
Morbi id dapibus odio. Mauris at tortor et sapien placerat dignissim. Praesent vel sodales ligula. Sed ullamcorper elit at erat porta, et luctus odio sodales. Fusce bibendum dui vel magna ullamcorper, id vehicula tellus facilisis. Etiam eget tellus dolor. Phasellus vel hendrerit ligula, ut posuere neque. Sed cursus diam eget ipsum rhoncus, sed bibendum turpis euismod. In ac feugiat ipsum, vel elementum libero.
This is a heading (H4)
Praesent vel sodales ligula. Sed ullamcorper elit at erat porta, et luctus odio sodales. Fusce bibendum dui vel magna ullamcorper, id vehicula tellus facilisis. Etiam eget tellus dolor. Phasellus vel hendrerit ligula, ut posuere neque. Sed cursus diam eget ipsum rhoncus, sed bibendum turpis euismod. In ac feugiat ipsum, vel elementum libero.
This is a heading (H5)
Etiam eget tellus dolor. Phasellus vel hendrerit ligula, ut posuere neque. Sed cursus diam eget ipsum rhoncus, sed bibendum turpis euismod. In ac feugiat ipsum, vel elementum libero.
This is a heading (H6)
Mauris at tortor et sapien placerat dignissim. Praesent vel sodales ligula. Sed ullamcorper elit at erat porta, et luctus odio sodales. Fusce bibendum dui vel magna ullamcorper, id vehicula tellus facilisis. Etiam eget tellus dolor. Phasellus vel hendrerit ligula, ut posuere neque. Sed cursus diam eget ipsum rhoncus, sed bibendum turpis euismod. In ac feugiat ipsum, vel elementum libero.
List / paragraph Styling comparison
I’m a normal paragraph and this is what i look like. I’m going to be repeated so we can look at line height. i’m a normal paragraph and this is what i look like. I’m going to be repeated so we can look at line height. I’m a normal paragraph and this is what i look like. I’m going to be repeated so we can look at line height. i’m a normal paragraph and this is what i look like. I’m going to be repeated so we can look at line height.
- Anxiety and depressions
- High blood pressure
- Headache (particularly in the morning)
- Anxiety and depressions
- High blood pressure
- Headache (particularly in the morning)
So what exactly cause choking during sleep?

Choking occurs when your breathing is impeded by a constricted or obstructed throat or windpipe. Choking in your sleep is caused by the relaxation of soft tissue in the neck. As your throat collapses air cannot reach the lungs effectively, it causes you to wake up suddenly from the choking. You can stop breathing for around 10 seconds, starving the brain of oxygen. People who suffer from undiagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnoea can wake many times every hour from this process.
Does it mean I have OSA? If you experience frequent choking in your sleep, it is highly likely that you have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea – and a sleep test should be conducted as soon as possible to confirm. More often than not, the choking does not cause a person to wake up, and so they may be unaware this is happening until somebody else tells them that they were choking. Studies have shown that sufferers can take up to seven years before seeking treatment.
Choking and Sleep Apnoea
You may have been told or noticed that you suddenly gasp or choke during the night. It is a distressing event to experience and worse to observe. Choking during sleep is a common symptom of the sleeping disorder Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). OSA affects an estimated 4 million adults in the UK and 87% of those people have not been diagnosed and therefore, do not receive treatment.
Other Common OSA Symptoms:
• Excessive daytime tiredness
• Loud and constant snoring
• Anxiety and depressions
• High blood pressure
• Headache (particularly in the morning)
OSA is also more common in men and associated with overweight individuals (BMI over 25%).
If you are experiencing these symptoms, you need to take a sleep test. Our sleep test will confirm if you have OSA in 7 days and allow you to begin the treatment; in as little as two weeks.
Intus Healthcare Advice: OSA is treatable is almost every case, but OSA must be confirmed, either by a doctor or a sleep test before treatment or equipment can be purchased.
Are there any remedies to help prevent choking in sleep?
Treatments for sleep choking can vary on the severity of the condition. The first step you should take is to adjust your sleeping position at night so that you are always lying on your side, as this can help reduce the risk. You may also want to consider modifying your lifestyle by reducing your alcohol intake, avoiding smoking and maintaining a healthy diet.

CPAP treatment should then solve the problem of choking in sleep and allow you to sleep properly again. We will help you with the next step if you are diagnosed.
If you would like any advice, then please call us on 0800 024 8050.